The Importance of Having the Right Carrier Partner during Produce Season

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With the produce season being right around the corner, it’s important for shippers to have the right carrier partners entrenched in their network. And we’re talking about carrier partners! Not the right brokers, dedicated assets, transportation providers or even the right capacity. Just partners.

Produce season is one of the hardest times of the year for the transportation and logistics industry. For many carriers, the goal is to merely survive it. To keep their head above water long enough to make it to the other side. But, answer these questions:

  • Can you afford to have someone on your routing guide with that attitude or mindset?

  • Can you lean on that carrier? 

  • Can that carrier be the reason you don’t blow your yearly forecast in six weeks?

  • Can that carrier help you be the hero of the produce season for your company?

Chariot Logistics believes the answer to all those questions is “No.” You need a carrier partner that is seasoned and prepared to help you thrive during the produce season. And yes, it is possible for your transportation department to thrive during this time, to beat the market as well as meet all your strategic goals and metrics. You just need the right PARTNER in place.


Determining the Right Partner
